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Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

HIstory Of Linux

Linux is an operating system developed by Linus Benedict Torvalds of the University of Helsinki, Finland as a hobby project started in 1991. He wrote Linux, a kernel for the 80 386 processor, the processor 32-bit Intel CPU in a collection that is suitable for PCs. New on March 14, 1994 version 1.0 was launched, and this is a milestone in Linux.
Penguins, is the logo and mascot for Linux. Linux is a trademark (SN: 1.91623 million) owned by Linus Torvalds. Linux is listed as "computer operating system program for the use of computers and operations." The trademark was registered after an incident in which a forger named William R Della Croce Jr. began sending letters to all distributors of Linux and Linux is a trademark claim his property and asking for royalties as much as 10% of them. The Linux distributors began to push for the original trademark given to Linus Torvalds. Linux trademark licensing is now under the supervision of the Linux Mark Institute.

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